
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Shoulder Press Exercise

person massaging the back of a woman

Shoulder press is a popular exercise for building upper body strength and targeting the deltoid muscles. However, it is crucial to perform this exercise with proper form to avoid injury and maximize its benefits. In this video, we will highlight some common mistakes people make during the shoulder press and provide remedies on how to do the exercise correctly.

Mistake 1: Poor Posture

One of the most common mistakes in shoulder press is having a poor posture. Many people tend to arch their back or hunch their shoulders forward, putting unnecessary strain on the spine and reducing the effectiveness of the exercise. To remedy this, start by standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and engage your core muscles. Keep your chest lifted and shoulders pulled back throughout the movement.

Mistake 2: Using Excessive Weight

Another mistake people often make is using weights that are too heavy for their strength level. This can lead to compromised form and increase the risk of injury. It is important to choose a weight that allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the load as you build strength.

Mistake 3: Incorrect Range of Motion

Many individuals tend to perform shoulder press with incomplete or excessive range of motion. To perform the exercise correctly, start with the weights at shoulder level, palms facing forward. Slowly press the weights overhead until your arms are fully extended. Avoid locking your elbows at the top and maintain control throughout the movement.

Mistake 4: Neglecting Proper Breathing Technique

Breathing plays a crucial role in any exercise, including the shoulder press. Some people tend to hold their breath or exhale at the wrong time, which can disrupt their stability and form. Remember to inhale during the eccentric phase (lowering the weights) and exhale during the concentric phase (lifting the weights).

Mistake 5: Rushing Through the Exercise

Lastly, rushing through the shoulder press is a common mistake that can compromise form and prevent you from fully engaging the targeted muscles. Take your time and perform the exercise in a slow and controlled manner. Focus on the mind-muscle connection and feel the tension in your shoulders as you press the weights overhead.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following the proper technique, you can safely and effectively perform the shoulder press exercise. Remember to always consult with a fitness professional if you have any concerns or questions about your form.

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